Thursday, October 29, 2009

Information Highway-I have crashed!!!!

Ok I am totally confused now, did Dr. Fritz say Diego or Diigo? Are they the same thing? lol.....
I am excited, scared and anxious. I have never heard of much of this, or only heard of them in passing.
I plan to do some SERIOUS playing around as that is the best way for me to learn-to do!
I am unsure, but think many of my classmates are semi-familiar with this, and that makes me even more uneasy. I don't like to be the only one outside of the circle!

I plan to try and slowly get back on this highway, but I'll be in the slow lane for now, doing 35!!!!!

Infancy and Blogging

Hmm....this is all so interesting to me. When I have heard the term "blogging" i thought, that is for the 'techys' not me!! HA! so here it is, I am blogging! Too funny. Not so sure where this will go, but who knows perhaps I will use this personally and professionally!